All in Healthy Lifestyle

Simple Steps To Banish Your Sugar Cravings

We've all been there: going about your day minding your own business when you suddenly feel a slight urge for something sweet. You push the feeling aside and carry on only to have that fleeting feeling turn into a full-fledged need as though you've been possessed by an insatiable sugar demon. It's no longer about want, it is now vital to your survival that you satisfy that sweet tooth or so help whoever gets in your way! It's usually at this point that you find yourself ditching the self-discipline and rummaging through the darkest depths of your cupboards for something to scratch the sugary itch. If you've ever found yourself in this situation, just know you are not alone. In today's post, we're going to uncover the inner workings behind these cravings and help you understand how to manage those sugar cravings by learning what causes them to happen in the first place.

Entering Your Winter Arc Season: How to Change Your Life in 60 Days

As winter approaches, it's more than just a change in the weather—it's an opportunity for a personal transformation. For women in their 30s, balancing career, family, and personal growth can feel overwhelming. But winter, a time for slowing down and restoration, offers the perfect backdrop for creating change. Even if you’re starting late, 60 days is all you need to enter your "winter arc" and emerge stronger, more aligned, and ready to take on the world. Here’s how you can shift your life in just 60 days and level up during this season.

Positive Affirmations every woman needs to Encourage Rest

Sleeping and giving your mind and body the time to recover from the day’s stress plays a pivotal role in your healing. It is one of the best ways you can alleviate tension and stress, and live a good quality life.

Getting enough rest is important even if you do not deal with any form of mental stress or anxiety. If don’t take a step back every now and then, you are going to suffer from the damaging consequences of neglecting your health. Overworking is never going to lead you anywhere productive.

Creating a Mindful Eating Space at Home: 10 Tips and Tricks for a More Intentional Mealtime Experience

Mindful eating is more than just a practice; it’s a way to cultivate a deeper connection with our food, our bodies, and our overall well-being. One of the most effective ways to enhance this practice is by creating a mindful eating space at home. A dedicated space can help you focus on the sensory experiences of eating, reduce distractions, and encourage a more intentional approach to meals. Here are ten tips and tricks to help you design a mindful eating environment that fosters calm, focus, and gratitude

Ways you can raise you vibration daily; when you can't take a year off like Beyonce

I read a recent article about Beyonce needing a whole year to dedicate to her mental health. I mean how amazing would that be! I mean dang I’ll take a whole weekend dedicated to mental health and I’m sure I’d come back home bright-eyed and bushy-tailed lol. I really loved the article because I feel like a lot of us women suffer from the superwoman syndrome. We can do it all, but doing it all often time leaves you drained. But we brush that aside and keep pushing. Pushing to the end of madness. But some of us don’t have the luxury of taking a whole year off.

Top 5: A beginners guide to herbs for wellness

I have always loved seasoning. When I started eating plant-based, I realized, I was barely touching the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of herbs out there! I had no idea the amount of herbs that were out in the world, but now I have a few favorites that I use for cooking, juicing, or boiling (tea). And if I am honest, it was extremely challenging to choose five herbs! There are so many herbs out there to help with all ailments.

Checklist: 10 steps to starting a crunchy lifestyle (pdf)

What does it mean to be crunchy? I’ve been on a journey for some time now to live a cleaner lifestyle. Eating more whole foods and more plant based. Using all-natural skincare and switching up personal hygiene products to fewer toxic ones and also purchasing more Eco-friendly products like my favorite yoga mat. One day a good friend of mine added me to her crunchy mommas’ group. First, I was like what the heck is crunchy but then after researching the group, a light bulb went off! I had found my tribe!

The secret to getting your kids to eat their daily servings of fruits and veggies

I don't know what is about fruits and especially vegetables but some kids are born just hating vegetables. Yes through setting a great example you can teach them from young to eventually love vegetables by introducing them early on and having them as snacks instead of too many chips for example. Fruits and vegetables are so important for all of us and you want your kids to lead a healthy lifestyle starting from young. Nova loves fruits; banana, orange, apples, kiwis, pineapple. And use to like only a few veggies; carrots, corn, and peas. Even though I eat vegetables regularly, she didn't like eating them too much. I don’t want her growing up like me; I hated vegetables and didn't start appreciating them until I was much older.