My favorite Guided Meditation to get you started on your meditation journey
Hey Bubu squad,
I don't know about you but my life isn't perfect. I'm nowhere near where I want to be in life. Can you relate? Yeah lol, I thought so. After a while those glasses half empty thoughts just kind of consume you and your thoughts. I'm a psychology major and believe in the power of the mind. If your mind is filled with negatives thoughts, that will only manifest into your real life. Things had gotten so hectic and I realized I wasn't practicing what I preached. So around October of 2017, I decided, nope, not going to do it anymore. Or if it did happen I would do something to change my mindset. See I believe the Universe gives you what you put out and if all you put out is negativity, the universe will be like nah, I'm going to keep surrounding her with negativity.
A switch just went on and I decided to be more positive and mindful. I wanted my brain to change and the universe to know I was grateful and ready for whatever greatness it had in store for me.
the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.
"their mindfulness of the wider cinematic tradition"2.
a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
One thing I really wanted to start implementing in my daily routine was meditation. At least 5- 10 minutes a day. With a toddler, it's easier said than done and I have a small window of opportunity to sit in silence. So I decided to start every night after she went to bed.
Meditation reduces stress.
It improves concentration.
It encourages a healthy lifestyle.
The practice increases self-awareness.
It increases happiness.
Meditation increases acceptance.
It slows aging.
The practice benefits cardiovascular and immune health.
Easier said than done. I'm a mom, wife and business woman and my mind moves a mile a minute. I couldn't get centered and focused at all. All I thought about was things that stress me but with no solution on how to move past those thoughts into a better head space.
One day I was on Instagram and saw the meditation mixtape by Shelah Marie. I follow her on social media and to say I love her is an understatement. I love to hear her talk, she gives great advice and just exudes confidence and realness. She's all about self-care and self-love. Not to mention she's a badass health and wellness brand.
Photo from Instagram
She posted about her Meditation Mixtape on Spotify and of course, I ran to download it. The meditation mixtape is a series of 7 short guided meditation. Each covering an area of life you may be struggling with. Her voice is so calming and soothing. She guides you through the meditation into space where you can identify the problem and move from a confused space into one with more clarity. Once I got to the 4 part breath I could really feel myself getting more centered and in a less constricted space.
I listen to the meditation mixtape every day if I can help. It helps me get started because I am unable to get there on my own. I highly recommend this mixtape if you are just starting out with meditation.
My favorite and what I always start with is the 4 part breath. It's a great way to clear your mind and allow only thoughts you can control to enter.
I've been meditating 5-10 minutes almost every day since October. And when I say meditating let me clarify that I'm still new at this and believe I haven't reached the level I hope to reach yet. I hope to make this a daily occurrence and reach a higher level of consciousness and mindfulness. I also want to begin journaling right after. So far I've already felt a big difference in how I think, how I approach things and how I let other peoples bad vibes bounce right off me.
This is going to be a journey and I hope you guys are here to follow along with me.
February 1st I'm starting the 21-day challenge by the Chopra center on Spotify, recommended by Shelah Marie. If you want to do it along with me add me Instagram and Facebook using the icons above.
Peace and Love,