
Hey Ladies and Gents,

Welcome to your favorite wellness blog. If your inspired by clean and green living, oh and you love good food, this is the space for you! I hope this space helps you be well.

How not to let people disrupt your peace

How not to let people disrupt your peace

There is a joke I like to say, "You only live once, unless you're a frog they croak daily." So what does that mean you ask? That means it's your life, no one else can live it for you, so why not live it as full as you can. Some people will have opinions on how you live, so let's talk about how to not let people get to you.

One thing I want you to know is that your path is going to be different from everyone's. Since you were born, you have been on a mission. There are going to be things that will happen but it's all a part of your journey. Yes there will be people that will go through similar things but this is your path.

I think that many times people want the best for you, but this is your life. Sometimes it's fine to ask for guidance but at the end of the day, the choice is yours. Here's an example for you, I once was led to move out of a place I had lived for multiple years. I had a great job, was a part of my community, nice car, nice apartment. But I was led to move, and people were a little weary of me moving, some didn't think I should, people thought I should stay since of all the things I had living there.

So, I packed up my things and moved to a different state. I was there and then the pandemic started, I'm so glad that I left. The point was that my path was designed for me.


Don't let others get to you, I had to trust that I was doing the right thing and pray about it. My life hasn't been the same since I moved out of my comfort zone. It's important that you continue to push the envelope. Sometimes people are afraid that you will truly step into your own and want you to stay at the same level as them. But, as you level up so will your friends around you.

One of my favorite quotes is that comfort zones are nice, but nothing grows from them. You will be in the same place, days, years if you continue to allow others to steal your destiny.

I grew up in Ohio, go Buckeyes!  lol. But when things happened in my life I had to shift, and eventually I left. I've been gone now for over ten years. Sometimes family would ask me if I'm moving back home but my answer would always be "No" because I knew it wasn't part of my path.

I'm not trying to bash people that are in your life, but there is a difference between someone who honestly has good intentions and someone who just wants to manipulate you. If you are unsure then check their harvest. Who are they around, and how they make you feel when you talk to them.

I knew that the people I was around actually had good intentions because they all wanted me to pray and follow my divine purpose. That's someone that truly loves me and when I did leave , there weren't any bad words spoken, only love and prayers. It's time that you continue to know who you are and move towards those goals that you have. Is it going to be easy, No. Will you want to give up at times? Absolutely. But when you decide to never give up, then you will have what you manifest. If people are upset and try to hold you back. Break free and level up. See you at work.


Actionable steps to set you on your own path:

1. Don't take things personally - One of the quickest ways to get bogged down by negative emotions is to take things personally. If someone cuts you off in traffic or your boss yells at you, it can be easy to assume that they're doing it because they don't like you. Instead, try to remember that their actions are not a reflection of you as a person.


2. Practice self-care - When you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed, it's important to take some time for yourself. Whether it's getting a massage, going for a walk in nature, or taking a yoga class, do something that will help you relax and recharge.


3. Set boundaries - It's impossible to please everyone all the time. Learning to say "no" is an important skill that will help you protect your time and energy. Be assertive and direct when communicating your needs and wants.


4. Meditate - Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and allow yourself to process difficult emotions. Even if you only have 5 minutes, sitting in silence and focusing on your breath can make a world of difference.



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